Located in the Loess Hills Of Western Iowa

Purebred Suffolk Sheep


Moonshadow Farm has been providing superior genetics in the sheep industry for 38 years.  

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About Us

About Our Farm

We are Michael and Debbie Jensen. We started raising sheep based on advice from a older lady who had sheep and a disabled child like us. She advised that sheep were a gentle animal and would allow our disabled son to help. From that day, we have spent 38 years trying to raise sheep that are functional, fast growing, and look good in your pasture or feedlot. Every year we take steps to build a better sheep.  We have, in the past, been enrolled in the National Sheep Improvement program and sold at the national NSIP sale in Spencer, Iowa.

Some Of Our Ewes

Some Our Rams

Rams Available Now

Pure Bred


Fast Growing & Functional

Contact Us Today To Purchase One of Our Sheep

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